Thursday, June 30, 2011

Dealing with holiday envy

Something Mr Firehouse and I have been dealing with a lot lately is holiday envy. The colleagues with whom we share our days turning the colour of snowpeas at the mention of us escaping blustery, freezing Sydney for colder, wetter London. Go figure?

Here are some handy hints I've found to deal with this particular problem

1. Assure your colleagues that even thought it may appear to be a good thing, holidays are very stressful and you're likely to be worse off at the end
2. Tell them you didn't really want to go, but had to use up frequent flyer points so you're not really going to be enjoying it
3. Tell them how lucky they are to be staying at home and not dealing with the dramas of international flights, airport and food blech

or better still

4. be honest, tell them you're looking forward to every second and bring them back a t-shirt that says

" some guy I work with went to London and all I got was this lousy shirt"

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

We're off.... and we've earned this holiday.

Nuwan and I are taking off on a whirlwind trip of Asia and Europe. It's more of a taster and I really am under no illusions that we'll be covering even a smidgeon of what Europe has to offer. However there are some goals for this trip...
1. Eat good food. If you know us you know that food is a passion and while we're not fine dining snobs by any means, we do have a special place in out heart for awesome tucker
2. Shop a lot! Hong Kong is a shopping mecca no? Anyone want anything?
3. Take lots of photos. Nuwan's copius amounts of camera gear need to be put to good use. For my part this means a certain amount of martyrdom; having to traverse airports and planes with the husband who is "deeper" then he is tall thanks to the back pack, posing for photos at every important monument and some less important ones and often waiting for those embarrassing photos to appear on facebook....nooo!

I'm also looking forward to some highlights that we've already planned (being the very anal and over-organised people we are)

* Jamie Olivers restaurant 15 ( ahhhhh)
* Lion King the musical
* The Louvre
* Gordon Ramsay's picnic lunch

Getting through the next few days of school are going to be tougher than tough! Not only do I need to pack up the classroom, pack for a trip and send my kids off prepared for the holidays but I have to stay focused. Does the universe really expect me to concentrate on ABC's and 123's when my minds eye is seeing fresh baguettes on a street corner and I can practically taste warm English beer?

2 days to go....let's see if we get there.